Neighbourhood Plan - Progress

04/06/2021 A working group meeting was held on 2nd June 2021 to discuss the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan Review. Click here to see the meeting notes and actions assigned.
19/03/2021 The results of the survey that closed on 31st January have been compiled into a booklet. A copy of this booklet was delivered to every house in the village during week ending 19th March. You can view the booklet by clicking here.
11/03/2021 A working group meeting was held on 11th March 2021 via ZOOM to discuss the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan Review. Click here to see the meeting notes and actions assigned.
08/02/2021 A working group meeting was held on 8th February 2021 to discuss the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan Review. It was noted that the survey results from the forms submitted, either on-line or on paper copy, are being combined to produce a current Village view. The results will be published here in due course. Click here to see the meeting notes and actions assigned.
29/12/2020 It was decided that a brief survey was needed to establish if the views of the Village had changed since the 2018 and to see if there was a need for any additional facilities following COVID-19. A printed survey form was delivered to every house in the village and the survey was also setup on-line if people preferred to give their view that way. The paper forms could be dropped off at two locations in the village, the on-line survey returns can be combined with the paper forms after the closing date of 31st January.
01/12/2020 Having been discussed at the last PC meeting it was agreed that we need to review the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure it is aligned with the new West Suffolk District Council Local Plan. A working group has been set up to accomplish this review along with 'Places4People', the consultant who helped with the original plan. The working group consists of: Colin Painter (chair) David Taylor, Peter Reddick, Dr Simon Pratt-Adams and Ian Poole from Places4People.
20/09/2018 Informal meeting held between the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group and the Parish Council to review the Community Actions, to prioritise and assign ownership to some of these actions. Where necessary small working groups will be setup to progress these Community Actions. Some of these actions have been considered "Business as Usual" for the Parish Council and will be progressed through normal Parish Council meetings.
17/07/2018 At the full Council Meeting on 17th July 2018 St Edmundsbury Borough Council decided to "make" (adopt) the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan following the positive referendum vote.
See Decision Statement.