
Action Points for the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
8th February 2021

Colin Painter (CAP ) -Chair
Ian Poole ( P4P)
Peter Reddick (PR)
Simon Pratt-Adams (SPA)
David Taylor (DT)

Action Points:

1. Discussion on plan review and recommendations by P4P dated 8/01/21:

Chapters 1-4. Changes agreed. CAP agreed to provide the required input for these chapters. Deadline to be specified. Action: CAP

Chapter 5. Vision and Objectives. It was agreed the vision from the current NP remains good. A directional statement to be written for the NP revision by CAP Action: CAP

Agreed all objectives titles to be shortened to single topic headings.

Chapter 6. Spatial Planning Strategy. Agreed HAR1 to be rewritten in more detail by PR. Action to be undertaken when there is more detail on agreed development sites. Action: PR

Chapter 7. Prosperity and Welfare. Changes agreed. P4P to amend HAR2 after input from West Suffolk. Action: P4P

Chapter 8. Highways, Transport and Access. Community actions to be rewritten in the light of progress and input from the latest survey. DT agreed to update these community action and all community actions throughout the plan. Action: DT

Chapter 9. Green Infrastructure. Changes agreed. Policy re the playing field HAR8 may need amendment in the light of subsequent decisions

Chapter 10. The Character of the Village. It was agreed we should introduce “Special Character Areas”. Agreed P4P to recommend to the group the areas in the village which qualified under this heading. Action: P4P

Possible Additional Policies. It was agreed we should follow P4P’s recommendations as we progress. Action: P4P

Mapping. Mapping to be undertaken using Parish Online.

Photos. It was reported Richard Josefowski had agreed to take village photos as requested.

General. P4P to be in control of pulling the document together.

P4P were advised CAP and PR would take the lead on site specific issues and SPA, with support from PR would take the lead on Design Standards.

Site Specifics. It was agreed only sites which matched the general view given from the Village Survey would be considered i.e. either within the built up area or close to the built up area. Landowners would be approached where it was considered appropriate. Selection would be subject to meeting criteria specified by AECOM and would require village approval.

2. Village Survey:

A good return in excess of 40% was reported. The need for small development was strongly endorsed.

CAP agreed to draft a covering note and DT would arrange printing asap of a booklet to Village households feeding back their responses. Copies of the survey to also be provided to our County and Borough councillors. Action: CAP and DT


P4P explained the involvement/input of AECOM. AECOM would provide input on Design Guide. P4P to contact Dave Chapman of Locality to commence this process. In addition to discuss if we were required to re-apply for Site Selection support. Action: P4P

4. AOB


5. Date of Next Meeting. 8th March 2021 at 7.30 via Zoom.

6. Village Survey: