
Action Points for the Hargrave Neighbourhood  Plan Working Group


11th March 2021 via Zoom

Colin Painter (Chairman)
Ian Poole (Places for People – P4P)
Peter Reddick
David Taylor
Simon Pratt-Adams.

Actions from last meeting (8th February 2021)
Carried forward:
Amendments to existing NP:
Chapters 1-4. Action CAP
Chapter 6 Spatial Planning Strategy. Policy HAR1 to be rewritten. Action PR when advised
Chapter 7 HAR2 Action P4P to contact West Suffolk re Housing requirement expectations
Chapter 8 Community Actions. Action DT to update status on community actions
Chapter 9 HAR8 re Play Area. To be progressed in general when we know the future status of the area.
Chapter 10 Action P4P to recommend to the Group “Special Character Areas” for the next meeting
Possible additional policies Action P4P to advise as we progress


Subsequent to this meeting a meeting was set up with AECOM for the 15th March for attendance by P4P and CAP. Discussion re Site Master Planning and Design Standards. A report to be submitted to Locality advising the level of support we need and we should be advised in 2 – 4 weeks when available.

Site Master Planning
When results to the questionnaires are sent to each household it will include a request for potential sites.
Agreed, if too many sites are put forward it will have to be handled carefully.
CAP to speak to David Upton

Planning Charts

It was agreed owing to Covid 19, AECOM delays P4P to recast planning charts
In addition P4P to speak to West Suffolk re housing expectation for Hargrave

Village Consultations

Ability to communicate with Village hampered by Covid.
Depending on progress with Lockdown consideration will have to be given to different approaches to communication (e.g. Drop-in sessions)

Date of Next meeting

To be arranged by P4P post outcome of discussions with AECOM and Locality.