Village Lottery - 100 Club |
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Join now to be included in the
March 2021 draw! Your Chance to win up to £250! |
The December draw was made on 13th December 2020 from the 51 people who have entered so far. This means we have received £663 so the prizes (50% of income) were awarded as follows: 1st prize to J W Ruston who wins £125 2nd prize to J A Gidney who wins £75 3rd prize to R J Clarke who wins £40 4th prize to Jill Upton who wins £35 5th prize to J A Gidney who wins £25 6th prize to V Turner who wins £10 You have to be in it to win it so if you are not already taking part, join up now before 28th February to be included in the March 2021 draw. |
Our Village Lottery - 100 Club represents the start of our fundraising effort to go towards the uplift of the Village Hall. The timing of the start of this is not perhaps the most opportune with the pressures put on by COVID-19 but we decided to go ahead to keep some kind of normality going and we hope you will consider taking part. To date, 3 draws have taken place with the next scheduled for March 2021. Entries are always open, when you join you will automatically be included from the next draw onwards. |
This is your chance to win up to £250 every 3 months in a village prize draw. You may well have heard or seen in the village newsletter of our intention to set up a village lottery – 100 club. Our plan as a Village Hall Committee, alongside the Parish Council, is to either make substantial improvements to or completely upgrade the hall to enable us to provide a facility to meet modern needs and serve our community for at least a further 50 years. Our current hall was first built in 1926. To do this we will need considerable funds and the intention is to raise these funds through grants. However, as well as demonstrating we have a structured plan we will have to show we are raising monies ourselves. One way we can do this on a regular basis is to run our own lottery. We intend to hold a draw four times a year. This started in June 2020 and will the be done every 3 months. The cost will be £13 per quarter, per person (equating to £1 per week), with draws in June, September, December and March. The draw will be open primarily to the residents of the village and friends or family from outside the village who are over the age of 16. You can have multiple participants from each household, indeed you can request multiple entries in the same name. Provided we can attract 100 entries, we plan to have six prizes, with the first prize of £250 reducing down to £150, £100, £75, £50 and £25. This equates to paying back 50% of the funds received. Until we can get 100 participants the prizes will be reduced so that every draw we will give in prizes 50% of the money taken in. To reduce the administration of the scheme we intend to collect the subscriptions by standing order. If you use on-line banking you can set this up yourself using the account details on the attached standing order form. If you do not use on-line banking, simply complete and sign the downloadable form ![]() Sue Hammond has kindly agreed to administer this on our behalf. Whichever way you proceed, simply advise Sue Hammond on, of your intention to participate and the names of the members of your household who you wish to be included and confirming you have arranged the necessary standing order. Your standing order should be paid before the 1st of the month when the draw will take place. i.e. if you join now your standing order should be paid before 31st March to be entered into the April draw. PLEASE CONTACT SUE WITH ANY QUERIES. You can join anytime and you will be included in the next draw. Thank you if you participate and GOOD LUCK. Hargrave, Village Hall Committee |
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