Hargrave Heritage Project

Hargrave Heritage Website Goes Live
HH Hargrave Heritage has achieved its first major milestone. On Friday 30 October 2020 its newly developed website -

www.heritage.hargrave-suffolk.co.uk opens to the public, offering free online access to Hargrave’s history, both ancient and modern.

The content of this archive continues to be work in progress, gathering material on families, memories, properties, photos and history. Most importantly it is a community heritage project, giving past and present residents the opportunity to ensure their contribution to this ancient community is captured for future generations, rather than lost when people move on. There has been enthusiastic response from many past and present residents so far, as the articles show. The project group hope that by publicly showing the form and content of the website now, in the development phase, the community will better understand where and how their unique history can fit.
To encourage participation, the project team are promoting several initiatives to engage residents and secure valuable information/data for the archive, including:
* A village “census” to identify the origins of current residents.
* A prize draw for contributors of articles on their Covid pandemic experiences/reflections, a major event in modern history.
* Doorstep selfies to build a pictorial record of residents in 2020.
* A “Dig up your ancestors” competition for children to encourage interest in family history.

The prizes will be awarded at the project completion event planned for summer 2021, pandemic permitting. By then a heritage exhibition in St Edmunds church will have been completed for the grand opening and celebration of this very significant progress in discovering and recording Hargrave’s history.

Hargrave Heritage is a partnership between Hargrave Parish Council and St Edmunds PCC, funded by the Heritage Fund, using money raised by the National Lottery, to inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities.
If you have material to offer the project or would like to join the project group, please make contact at:

or phone Peter Reddick on 01284 850593