Hargrave Heritage Project - June Update
HLFLogo   HHLogo 
  This is the new logo for the Hargrave Heritage project, alongside our funding partner, the Heritage Fund. Our project will bring together the ancient and modern history of Hargrave and publish it for free access on a new heritage website and heritage exhibition in St Edmunds Church. As we build the project over the next year, you will see this image more and more.

Ways you can help
We all have snippets of local history, stories, photos and experiences, often passed by word of mouth, and if not passed on in danger of being lost forever. So please pass them on to us to record for future generations. You may know about:

* The history of your property.

* About local families, perhaps no longer in the village.

* Events and incidents that occurred locally in the past.

Email Peter Reddick at preddick68@icloud.com or phone 01284/850593.