Recording COVID-19 Lockdown Memories
We need     HH    your help!
Hargrave Heritage Group and Hargrave Parish Council invite you to take part in this exciting project looking at how Covid 19 has affected the lives of people living in Hargrave.

The Coronavirus and the accompanying lock down is impacting upon us all and in many different ways. This unique time needs to be remembered and recorded for future generations.

We are inviting everybody in the village to contribute their thoughts and ideas on how this event has impacted upon their lives for good or bad and importantly what they may like to see come out of this experience including what could change within our village. So no matter what your age, your thoughts, ideas and images are all welcome. When this is all over we would like to take all these contributions and put them on the Hargrave Heritage website for villagers to see and importantly for future generations to see how we lived through this crisis.

We have outlined below some core questions we would like you to consider but as importantly we would like your thoughts and reflections and ideas on what we can all learn from this unique experience. In addition we would also like to ask if families or individuals could take a door step photo of themselves, a selfie or one taken by a neighbour. This will also be a unique record of people living in the village at this time.

For all of the contributions we will not include names or addresses and in addition nothing will be put onto the website unless people sign the attached proforma. (Media Release Form)

More details:
Suggested questions we would like people to answer:

1. Basic household information, ages and number of occupants.

2. If people in the household are working have they been able to continue to work or have they been furloughed or worked reduced hours or have now lost their job.

3. Please identify numbers in household who are not working and also not in education.

4. What sectors do people in the household work in? eg farming, hospitality, health or social care, I.T.

5. Do people normally work from home or has this been a temporary arrangement during this lockdown.

6. Do you foresee working from home as more likely in the future.

7. If there are children over 14 but under 18 in the household please invite their comments on how they feel the current situation will impact on their future prospects.

8. With regards to the village of Hargrave are there any areas you feel the Parish Council could learn and change and could have done differently with regards Covid19.

9. How has your daily routine changed.

10. When out on your daily exercise what have you noticed about the village and is there anything you think could be improved.

11. Do you know whether you might have had Coronavirus ( optional)

Door step photo:
We invite all household to take a door step photo of members of that household. Neighbours could take one for each other. If you would like a photo but do not have the technology for such, do contact Dave Taylor ( 850537) who will contact a member of the Heritage Group or Parish Council to pop round. We would like photos and all other material to be sent to the Hargrave Heritage Project by email:  If you don't have access to email contact David Taylor who will arrange an alternative way for you to submit your material.

We are suggesting that we try to take this door step photo sometime in the week beginning 8th June

Contributions from children:
We have added a link to a (proforma) that some children are using to help record their thoughts on this current crisis by considering what they would put in a time capsule. Other children may prefer to make an image or some other media format to record their views, all contributions are welcomed.

We appreciate families and individuals will be focused at this time on day to day priorities but your views and thoughts are important and valuable. We suggest that we aim to complete this research stage by the end of August when hopefully we will be seeing an end to the current lockdown.

As mentioned above, please send all your contributions to:

Thanking you in anticipation from:

Hargrave Heritage Group and Hargrave Parish council